Personal Training

Personal training is a great way to get your health and fitness journey up and running. Knowing at the start that you are on the right path is a weight off of your mind. Choosing the right trainer for you can be difficult so if at any point you want to have a chat then please get in touch and let me know.

Our personal training packs come with free gym membership, nutrition set up/coaching and lifestyle advice. Everything you do is kept in our app where you can track your progress with body weight/measurements and pictures. This is also where I keep an eye on everything you’re doing away from our sessions including nutrition, additional activity and sleep.

What People Are Saying

“This time last year I wouldn’t and couldn’t step foot in a gym. I was too body conscious and my anxiety was through the roof. So I got a PT, he lifted my confidence, changed my body and thought process with food and exercise! Now a year on I’m training 3 times a week, never miss and have the most amazing gym family that push me to be a better me”

— Carla

“12 months of being with Chaos I now lead a much healthier lifestyle, 3 dress sizes down and have lost 21kgs. Would I recommend Chaos to friends…? 100%!”

— Adele

“If you’re wanting long term changes then Chaos Coaching is the place to go.”

— Tamsin

If you are looking for the best way to hit your targets then this is it. Personal training means you will get all the guidance you need to put you in the best possible position to achieve your goals. If you are still unsure then please drop us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively click the button, after a few simple questions you can get yourself booked in for a free 1-2-1 taster session with one of our coaches.